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Single Farm Payment – Entitlement Trading

Trading for English Non SDA Entitlements is well under way and is proving to be a seller’s market.  Trading has also started earlier than in 2010.

As demand outstrips supply, prices are being driven up from approximately £200 per entitlement to approximately £233 per entitlement.

All entitlements are now at the flat rate value of 326 euros per entitlement.  Modulation is set at 19%.  Therefore farmers can be fairly confident in the return that they will receive up until their 2012 claim and depending on timing of the CAP reform, possibly into 2013.

Trading in English SDA Entitlements is slow at the moment as there are very few available.  Sales have ranged from £140 to £155 per entitlement.

Remember that all entitlement transfers need to be submitted to the RPA by the 1st April 2012 in order to activate and receive payment for the 2012 scheme year.

Please contact Lucinda Clifford at the GSC Gray’s Barnard Castle office should you wish to discuss purchasing or selling Single Farm Payment Entitlements – 01833 637000

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