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A GSC Grays Service


Well suited to disputes which are complex or where there is a long-standing relationship, mediation provides you with a forum within which you continue negotiating to bring about your own settlement.



Offering confidential, imaginative solutions

In mediation, you control the process guided by a professional experienced in the field.  It is our mediator’s role to help you reach your own settlement, and in doing so, they can facilitate an outcome which is far more imaginative than the courts could impose.

The benefits of participating in a mediation are:

  • The process is quick
  • It adopts a flexible approach
  • You are assisted in resolving your dispute by a professional who is familiar with the issues you face
  • It is inexpensive
  • It has a high rate of settlement

At GSC Grays we would encourage you to consider mediation as a means of concluding a negotiation rather than purely as a means of resolving a dispute.  The earlier you use mediation, the more likely you are to reach a settlement.

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GSC Grays are experts in rural land and property. You can find all the information you need about the sectors that we specialise in, from estate agency to environmental management. We are here to help you to achieve your goals for your rural property, business, farm or estate, today and for generations to come.

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