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Expert Witness Reports & Advocacy

If you are in the position of contemplating court action or are already in that process, it is likely that you will need to rely on expert evidence.



Dispute Resolution

Expert Witness Reports & Advocacy


Expert Witness Reports & Advocacy Service

Specialist evidence for court or private use

If you are in the position of contemplating court action or are already in that process, it is likely that you will need to rely on expert evidence.

Where our experts give that evidence to the court, their duty of care is to the judge to provide our impartial, expert opinion.  Acting in this capacity, our experts can provide reports commissioned either jointly or by a single party.

When evidence is given to the court, it has to be impartial.  In our opinion, that means that it has to be given independently of an advisor who might have acted for you in a partisan capacity in the preceding negotiations – our experts are able to fulfil both roles.

your advocacy team

providing expert evidence

Our experts cover a broad range of rural and property matters and are able to provide court compliant reports or those commissioned privately in the run up to court action.  Our professional staff can also form part of your advocacy team, providing a critique of the evidence presented, or that which you are hoping to rely upon.

We are able to provide expert evidence on:

  • Questions of value
  • Sporting and estate management issues
  • Farm management
  • Rental levels
  • Development values and overage

Where disputes involve property, it can be beneficial to all parties to have just one expert to give independent, impartial and transparent advice.

If you are dealing with a disagreement over a property valuation, or your negotiations have reached an impasse, then the appointment of a Single Joint Expert (SJE) who is agreed by all parties can provide a solution. The SJE can save the time, cost and worry of everyone appointing their own expert and hopefully expediate the process. The role of the SJE is to assist the court by providing impartial evidence in their area of expertise, but not to determine the facts of any legal case.  Our team are experienced in acting as a SJE across the whole spectrum of rural property.

Agricultural Law

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