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New guidelines have been set out by the Sentencing Council, which will enable magistrates to impose much tougher fines on people caught fly-tipping from 1st July.

These fines apply to all types of fly-tipping and will help to act as a deterrent for those contemplating fly-tipping. Whilst this will not solve the problem, it is a step in the right direction for estate owners and farmers who suffer as a result of these actions.

Fly-tipping can prove very costly for landowners to clear away, both in terms of labour and disposal. The CLA suggest that on average, it costs the landowner around £800 to clear up each incidence of non-toxic fly-tipped waste on their land.

Bizarrely, landowners are also open to the potential of prosecution if the waste tipped on their land is not removed, but again the CLA is lobbying government to create a new scheme that would enable landowners to take fly-tipped rubbish to their local, tip free of charge.

To assist with this lobbying, it is vital that landowners report all incidences of fly-tipping to the Police and Local Authority as well as providing further details to the CLA (

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