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Is Your Biomass Fuel Supply Eligible for RHI?

Ofgem has recently announced further changes to the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive, this time in the form of Woodfuel Sustainability.

There has been a great success with the installation of biomass boilers however there are growing fears that they are being used to burn unsustainable fuels defeating the point of the ‘Renewable’ heat incentive.

As such, new rules have been introduced to ensure the fuels are sourced sustainably and, from Autumn 2015, this applies to existing participants as well as new ones.

To meet the criteria you will have to choose one of the following options:

  1. The simplest way for you to meet the criteria is to use sustainable fuel bought from suppliers registered on the Biomass Suppliers’ List which lists suppliers selling wood fuels that meet the RHI sustainability criteria. It is open to the public now and you can search by postcode to find suppliers in your local area. You should encourage your current supplier to register on the list so you can continue to use them when the new rules are introduced. Please ask the supplier to confirm that the fuel you are purchasing meets the RHI sustainability criteria.
  2. If your installation is below 1MW and if you use fuel from your own property or supply your own waste wood, you should register on the Biomass Suppliers’ List as a ‘self-supplier’ on the Biomass Suppliers’ List website.
  3. Alternatively, if you don’t use the Biomass Suppliers’ List, you will have to report quarterly to Ofgem on the sustainability of your fuel. Installations over 1MW will also have to provide an annual independent audit providing details of the fuels used over the last year.

Until this scheme is introduced in autumn 2015, the fuel does not have to meet the sustainability criteria. Therefore, if you have stores of un-sustainable fuel, Ofgem’s advice is to consume this fuel now and begin stocking up on sustainable fuel. When the transition comes, if you continue to use unsustainable fuels you can lose your RHI payments.

The Biomass Suppliers’ list is operated by Gemserv on behalf of Ofgem. To register, contact them on: or 020 7090 7769 or you can contact Ofgem on 0845 200 2122 with further questions.

If you have or are considering installing a biomass boiler and need professional advice, please feel free to contact Chris Thyer or Calum Gillhespy on 01748 829 210.

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