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Estate Borrowing and Debt

All owners of estates and farms, together with property developers, will be well aware of the changes that have taken place in the banking system since the 2007/8 crisis in the banking sector.

Changes introduced by the regulators this year have impacted upon the ability to borrow, and further changes in March 2016 are going to add further bureaucracy, form filling and, it is suspected, make the serviceability of any debt critical to the availability of finance.

The volatility of farming returns, the cashflow issues around development projects and the capital-rich income of world upper states, means that our clients are going to find borrowing money increasingly difficult.

There appears to be a willingness in the banking sector to provide support but it is clear the regulators have no understanding of the issues facing the world we operate in.

How the banks deal with the introduction of further legislation, we wait to see but, in the meantime, it must be sensible to retain existing loan arrangements with the banks, even if one is in a position to pay the debt off.  This is on the basis that one can draw down again against the loan without having to jump through the new regulations.

GSC Grays continue to talk to the financial institutions in order to be in a position to advise clients as best we can and therefore if you require further information relating to the above, please contact:

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