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BPS Update

Following the RPAs announcement on the payment rates, they have now announced that the Financial Discipline Mechansim (FDM) deduction will be 1.393041 %.  This has been confirmed by the European Commission and will be applied to all 2015 BPS claims over €2,000.  FDM funds will then be used to create a reserve fund that can be used to support the farming industry in times of crisis.

 If your bank account details have changed it is extremely important that you contact the RPA ASAP to update them.  All BPS payments will be made via BACS transfer, once the payment has been made a remittance advice will be sent out.  From mid January onwards a claim statement will be sent which will show how the 2015 payment has been calculated.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the BPS Team below to talk through any queries.

[team-member name=”Lucinda Riddell”]

[team-member name=”Phil Scott-Priestley”]
[team-member name=”Will Parker”]

[team-member name=”John Wallis”]

[team-member name=”Alexander Morrison”]

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