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BPS – Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) Potential Ban on the Use of Plant Protection Products

Back in 2016 the European Commission (EC) proposed CAP simplification measures.  Included within the proposed changes was a ban on Plant Protection Products (PPPs) on EFA nitrogen-fixing crops.  This was deferred for BPS in 2017, as the EC recognised the practical difficulties around implementing the proposed changes in time.  Clarification is now needed for farmers to plan cropping in readiness for BPS in 2018.

On the 30th May 2017, the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee voted on a motion for a resolution objecting to the Commission’s draft Regulation.  This motion was carried.  The motion was then scrutinised by the full European Parliament on 14th June 2017, when MEPs voted to reject it.  This means the EC may still progress with the proposals for the 2018 BPS claim year.

Therefore, when BPS applicants are reviewing their cropping plans for 2018, the potential ban on the use of PPPs needs to be considered.

[team-member name=”Lucinda Riddell”]

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