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RPA Confirms the exchange rate for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2017 payments

The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has confirmed the exchange rate for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2017 payments.  The rate, an average of the European Central Bank exchange rates set in September, will be €1 = 0.89470.

As you will already be aware BPS payments for England are set in euros and then converted into sterling. The previous year’s exchange rates for BPS were:

  • BPS 2016: €1 = £0.85228
  • BPS 2015: €1 = £0.73129

RPA are anticipating making full payments on BPS 2017 claims from early December.

Whilst the actual value of the payment is still to be determined if we assume that everything is similar to last year then the payments are likely to be in the order of:

  • Non-SDA Land – £223 per ha (£90 per acre)
  • SDA Land – £221 per ha (£89.50 per acre)
  • Moorland – £58 per ha (£23.75 per acre)

If you would like any help with this or any other matter please get in contact with our Farm Business Team

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