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Glyphosate Renewal Vote Ends In Stalemate, Again!

The vote to decide whether to re-approve the use of Glyphosate for a further 10 years was again postponed by the EU Standing Committee on Plant Animal Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) today, after an indicative vote showed that no qualified majority would be reached.

The indicative results showed 47% for, 34% against, and 18% abstaining.  The UK is for the re-approval, however those against include the likes of France, which is planning to phase out the use of the chemical regardless.

EU re-approval of glyphosate has been stalled for some time now. Previously in 2016, due to lack of consensus, the EU granted a 18-month renewal of the licence. This licence ends on 15th December, and as a result of today’s stalemate a revised proposal for a shorter time period of 3 – 5 years is now likely to be floated to open the way for compromise, before a vote is made. If no agreement is made (or if the proposal is rejected) then glyphosate will not be authorised for use from January 2018.

The loss of the broad spectrum herbicide would have massive implications for the UK Farming industry as it is a key component for the desiccation of cereal crops prior to harvest, controlling problem grassweeds through using stale seedbeds and for the destruction of old grassland prior to reseeding or entering into arable crops.

[team-member name=”Ben Rogerson”]

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