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High Fire Severity Risk

As the prolonged period of hot, dry weather continues, the Fire Severity Index published by Natural England and the Met Office remains at Level 3 (High Fire Severity Risk) for many parts of the region.

This summer has seen a number of large moorland fires which have devastated the landscape, wildlife and livelihoods of the areas affected.

It is therefore more important than ever for landowners and Estates to have up to date Emergency Wildfire Plans in place. These Wildfire Plans are created in conjunction with the local fire service to create a specific fire response document which can be used in the event of a wildfire.

The Plan contains tailored risk and tactical information for personnel responding to wildfire incidents and will provide information on access routes, available water sources, primary contacts, available equipment and rendezvous points.

If you require further advice or help creating a Moorland Fire Plan, please contact:

[team-member name=”John Wallis”]

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