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Belepi UK National Listing and 3-Crop Rule Implications

Belepi which was previously categorised as a spring wheat (but was able to be sown in the Autumn from mid-October onwards) has now been categorised as a winter wheat. The details are as follows:

Belepi Winter Wheat has been added to the UK National List for wheat to ensure that it can still be legally sold in the UK once we leave the EU on 31 October. It has been entered as a winter wheat on the National List and will now be classed as a winter wheat for the purposes of the 3-crop rule.

It is no longer an option to use autumn drilled Belepi as a spring wheat for the 3-crop rule

The addition was completed in January 2019 and as such it will not affect those growers who drilled the variety as a spring wheat for the purposes of the 3-crop rule in autumn 2018 for harvest 2019.

If you would like to discuss this, or anything else regarding your farm or rural business please contact one of our team.

[team-member name=”Robert Sullivan”]

[team-member name=”Ali Gray”]

[team-member name=”James Severn”]

[team-member name=”Greg Ricketts”]

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