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GSC Grays - Property Estates Land

Wow! Look at our new windows!

Estate Agency is changing!  In these digital times we are constantly looking at different ways to promote and market the properties we are selling and letting.  Over the last 12 months we have updated our website to make it mobile friendly and are currently looking at revamping our property particulars.

BC shop Alongside the above, we are delighted to announce that we have just updated the agency windows in our offices at Bedale,  Barnard Castle, Leyburn and Stokesley with a modern, dynamic and highly visual window display.

Bedale Shop Window at nightThe window displays consist of a series of back lit static displays and rolling display screens, which highlight a selection of properties available for sale and to rent and the other services we offer.

leyburn office window diplsay i 2(2)The new windows will display the properties we are selling in a more engaging fashion, encourage people to come into the office and not just window browse, reinforce our presence as a successful independent high street agent and be one of the most highly regarded and talked about shop windows in town!

IMG_2116Whilst the above changes are all positive steps in how GSC Grays will be promoting property, the key focus for us remains, as always, customer service and the relationship that we develop with our vendors, landlords and applicants.

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