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Farm Business Advice Service

A GSC Grays Sector

Farm Business Advice Service (FBAS)

GSC Grays are providing FREE and independent farm business advice to farmers in the North of England. The Farm Business Advice Service (FBAS) is funded by DEFRA’s Future Farming Resilience Fund, created to support farmers and land managers during the early years of the Agricultural Transition. Sign up for our free farm business advice now, or request a call back from one of our Farm Business team for more information.

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Farm Business Advice Service (FBAS)

Farm Business Advice Service

Our Service

Following registration to the service, farm businesses will receive a FREE half day business review.

The on-farm business review is the cornerstone of our Farm Business Advice Service. Our Farm Business Consultants review your business with you and discuss your goals for the next five to ten years. The report that follows includes an action plan and sets out any barriers to achieving a profitable and sustainable business.

As part of the review, businesses will have the choice to either focus on their financial performance or on the opportunities that the SFI and other environmental schemes can provide.

The review also identifies any follow-on consultancy support that is needed. This specialist support is also funded, and delivered via a mixture of one-to-one or group services in one of thirteen business areas.


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Farm Business Advice Service

Eligibility Criteria

Who qualifies for the FREE advice?

The FBAS service is available to all farmers and land managers, across all farming sectors, who receive BPS in the North East, North West, Yorkshire and the North Midlands. As such you MUST have an SBI number.

In addition, as you are only permitted to sign up to the services of one of DEFRA’s funded providers, if you have already given your SBI number to another service provider since October 2022 you are unfortunately not eligible to sign up to ours.

If you would like to discuss the service with one of our Farm Business team you can;

Call us on 03333 059059
Use the link below to request a call back!

Want to discuss FBAS? Request a call back!

“We look forward to working with farmers in this challenging period to develop businesses which are profitable and sustainable without support.”

Claim Your Free Advice

Sign Up Now

To sign up for the FBAS you will need to complete a short form.

You will receive a welcome pack with further details of how to complete the sign up and a phone call from one of our Farm Business Consultants to offer support if required.

Alternatively call 03333 059059 and speak to a member of our Farm Business team.

Sign Up Now
Farm Business Advice Service
FBAS Resource Centre

Further Support


All business have access to an on-line information hub covering common topics and shared learning opportunities from podcasts and webinars to case studies and links to useful information.

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