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Countryside Stewardship Scheme – Woodland Grant

The Forestry Commission has confirmed that Countryside Stewardship (CSS) Grants that are considering ‘woodland only’ options, do not require an Expression of Interest Form.  However, Higher Tier applications that include other environmental options must submit an Expression of Interest Form to Natural England prior to 30th June 2015.  Please click here for a link to the form.

The application period for ‘Woodland Only’ options will be open from 1st July until 31st July.  This is a very small window of opportunity to apply for a potentially complicated Woodland Improvement Grants process.  The specific rules and eligibility for the ‘Woodland Only’ options will be released by the Forestry Commission by 1st July 2015.  Applicants are encouraged to consult Natural England’s Area Priorities List for their local area, to assist in assessing whether their project is likely to meet Natural England’s criteria for funding.  The Area Priorities range from locality to locality and are not necessarily related to Counties or Regions, but to specific localities such as Water Catchment Areas and National Parks etc.  Applicants should ensure that their proposed scheme meets the respective priorities in order to increase the likelihood of success.  Please click here for the list of Area Priorities.

If you are considering seizing the opportunities that the new CSS Woodland Grants offer, please contact Will Parker on 01833 637000 to arrange a no-obligation meeting.

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