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2015 Payments

The RPA have announced that they remain on track to have paid the vast majority of 2015 BPS claimants by the end of January 2016. However frustrations are arising as to what the qualification of vast majority is and the lack of communication from the RPA.

Some claimants have received a letter stating that they will not be paid until after the end of January 2016. The RPA are due to send out a follow up letter to these applicants. This letter should give an indication as to the timing for payments. The RPA have stated that those who have had inspections or have common land should be paid from February 2016 and cross border claimants from the end of April 2016.

This news is still not clear and will cause frustrations for those claimants who have not been paid. In addition if you call the RPA for an update, they cannot supply you with any detailed information.

Those claimants who have been paid should have received a remittance advice through the post. The RPA will start to post out claim statements from mid-January onwards. The claim statement will summarise the payment and how it has been calculated and will allow claimants to check that their payments are correct.

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