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Battery Storage – A New Opportunity for Landowners

One new measure involves financial incentives to those who can reliably supply power into the grid at the drop of a hat. Clearly this applies a heavy reliance on proximity to substations or good grid connections.

Private companies are stepping up to the mark by installing various systems including diesel generators, gas turbines and ranks of batteries (with the latter becoming increasingly popular). Batteries have the benefit of charging up from excess power when demand is low but with the ability to discharge at a moment’s notice whilst generators need time to warm up.

As batteries use otherwise wasted power to offset the demand for further fossil fuels, they are effectively carbon neutral. Renewable energy companies are taking the opportunity to push into the battery storage market as it builds on their expertise while remaining a green technology.

A battery installation will only take up approximately 1 acre of land but the site needs to be near a substation or point of connection to the grid. In return developers are offering rents in excess of £10,000 per year. This can even work as a bolt-on to existing renewable schemes where a grid connection is already in place.

If you have been approached by a developer or believe your land may be suitable for battery storage please contact:

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