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Livestock Movement Rules

Simpler rules governing the movement of livestock by farmers will be introduced this year.  DEFRA have started to contact livestock keepers to aid them in the transition, which is expected to last until the Summer of 2017.

Under the previous scheme, farmers were bound to report any movement of livestock to any land they owned or rented beyond a five-mile radius of their home farm, consequently triggering a six-day lockdown on the farm. However, the Task Force on Farming Regulation (the body responsible for boosting the UK’s farming productivity) recommended that this system was far too complex, bureaucratic and counterproductive to farmers.

The new system endorsed by the farming minister, George Eustice aims to remove the constraints of the previous system while improving disease control and animal location capabilities. Firstly, farmers will be able to move their livestock to any land they have registered and are using within a 10-mile radius under a single holding number, without the requirement for reporting the movement or standstill. Secondly, farmers who operate more than one holding number may have the option to merge them.

Although, it should be noted that the reporting and standstill requirements for livestock movements to other farms or businesses still apply.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

[team-member name=”Alexander Morrison”]

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