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The Agricultural Waste Exemptions that farmers’ registered for in 2013 are due to expire in October 2016.

Over the course of the summer, the Environment Agency expects 70,000 farm businesses to apply for over 500,00 free of charge Agricultural Waste Exemptions. This may seem a daunting task for any organisation or government body however, after feedback from the 2013 applications a new, more efficient online registration system has been implemented. The system has undergone comprehensive user testing, and has proved successful, with 10,000 exemptions already registered.

Waste exemptions are valid for three years from the date of registration. For those exemptions that are due to expire, the Environment Agency should write to you when the renewal is due. However, do not rely on this happening, check you records in advance.

Why are Agricultural Waste Exemptions so important?

Agricultural Waste Exemptions allow farm businesses to handle small quantities of waste or that of a low risk nature, such as tyres on top of silage sheets, burning hedge cuttings and building farm tracks. This allows farm businesses to avoid the annual charge that is a requirement of an environmental permit.

The main overarching conditions are that the waste does not harm the environment or human health, although each exemption has further conditions attached to it. Furthermore, the waste exemptions allow farmers and landowners to utilise waste products for day to day, on farm projects that would otherwise require an environmental permit.

Registration process  

To register Agricultural Waste Exemptions, apply online at:

For more information, please contact :

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