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Brexit – Future Funding

On the 22nd August 2016 The Chancellor of the Exchequer. Philip Hammond made a Treasury statement which included “The government will also match the current level of agricultural funding until 2020, providing certainty to our agricultural community, which play a vital role in our country.  We are determined to ensure that people have stability and certainty in the period leading up to our departure from the EU and that we use the opportunities that departure presents to determine our own priorities”.

This means that funding under CAP Pillar 1 will be upheld until 2020.  This includes payments for BPS, BPS Greening and the Young Farmer Payment.

The guarantee for Pillar 1 money does not cover payments made under Pillar 2 of the CAP.  However, the Treasury announced that agri environment schemes signed before the Autumn statement would be fully funded.  There were concerns that the UK withdrawal could potentially trigger use of “exceptional circumstances” clauses in existing agreements.

We are still waiting for further certainty in respect of new Countryside Stewardship agreements that are currently being worked on and submitted for Mid Tier and Higher Tier applications, which would have a 1st January 2017 start date.  This is because they may not be “signed before the Autumn Statement”.  This now rests on when the Autumn Statement will be announced and Natural England and the RPAs ability to process applications.  Therefore, applications that are currently being worked on may still be at risk of not being offered an agreement.

Unfortunately, the date for the Autumn Statement is still not known.  When originally introduced, they were given in October.  Recently they have been given in late November / early December.

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