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GSC Grays - Property Estates Land

Greening Requirement

As the European Commission have not yet confirmed the BPS greening rules that will apply for the 2017 claim year, the RPA cannot publish full guidance.  This is anticipated to be available in early 2017.  Therefore, the 2016 BPS guidance still needs to be used, but the following potential changes to the rules are being discussed:

  • A compulsory ban on the use of pesticides on EFA NFC’s
  • Increasing the minimum period for EFA fallow from the current 6 months to 9 months
  • Increasing the minimum duration of an EFA catch or cover crop to be in the ground to 10 weeks
  • Increasing the minimum width of an EFA buffer strip from 1 metre to 2 metres

DEFRA recognises that farmers are already committed to cropping plans for 2017 and any changes for the 2017 claims would be impractical.  Further meetings are being held in Brussels and we await further updates. It looks unlikely that the EFA area requirement will increase from 5% to 7%.

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