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Glysophate Renewed for 5 Years

The European commission has voted to renew its approval for glyphosate herbicide for an additional five years. The decision ends months of deadlock with 18 member states voting in favour, nine against and one abstaining.

Glyphosate, originally developed by Monsanto as the active ingredient in Roundup, is the world’s most widely used herbicide and has been used for several decades. The current EU approval for glyphosate was due to expire on 15 December, but moves to renew the license had stalled with insufficient support from member states either in favour or against the proposals.

CLA President Tim Breitmeyer said: “Farmers will breathe a sigh of relief at this news. It will ensure at least for now that we can continue to use this essential tool for tackling pervasive problems like grassweed infestation and means we will not have to resort to less effective specialist chemicals. It will also preserve the vital weapon in the armoury for farmers to continue to explore conservation tillage practices where appropriate.”

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