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GSC Grays - Property Estates Land

Cross Compliance and Greening Requirement Deadlines Approaching!

Here are some key deadlines to ensure  that you stay compliant with the cross compliance and greening requirements in England.

30th April


If you are in an NVZ you must have recorded the number of ‘specified’ livestock kept on your farm during the previous calendar year and calculated the amount of nitrogen they produced. You must also record the number and type of livestock in a building or hardstanding during the previous storage period. (SMR** 1)
1st May You must not carry out hedge or tree coppicing or hedge laying from this date. (GAEC7a and 7c)
1st May Crop diversification period and Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) period for nitrogen fixing crops begins (until 30 June). (Basic Payment Scheme: rules for 2018)


If you have any queries regarding Cross Compliance or Greening requirements, why contact a member of our Farm Business Services team:

 [team-member name=”Robert Sullivan”]
[team-member name=”Ali Gray”]

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