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NY Call for sites

North Yorkshire Call for Sites

In light of the establishment of the new Unitary Authority, North Yorkshire Council (NYCC), significant strides are underway to shape the region’s future through a comprehensive Local Plan. Encompassing areas previously governed by Hambleton, Richmondshire, Craven, Harrogate, Selby, Ryedale, and Scarborough, this ambitious initiative aims to outline the developmental path for the next 15-20 years, addressing crucial aspects such as housing, environment, economy, community facilities, and infrastructure.

This pivotal moment for North Yorkshire signifies an opportunity for landowners to actively participate in the planning process. Following the recent approval of the proposed approach and timeline by the NYCC Executive in February, the council is initiating efforts to engage stakeholders, landowners, and communities. However, it’s important to note that the plan excludes the two national parks, which maintain independent development strategies.

The first part of this planning endeavour is a Call for Sites. Commencing in March, this initiative invites landowners and developers to submit parcels of land with potential for various types of development, including residential, commercial, infrastructure, and environmental enhancement projects. While a submission to the Council does not guarantee an allocation in the Local Plan, it is the start of that process.

Landowners and developers should be prepared to showcase the deliverability and development potential of their sites, as the council has emphasised the need for rigour in this regard. While the exact level of detail required for submissions is yet to be confirmed, it is advisable to provide as much information as possible within the stipulated timeframe.

For those with sites already allocated in existing local plans, these will be superseded by the new local plan, necessitating resubmission. Furthermore, there are opportunities for smaller sites of five units or more to be considered in the Call for Sites process.

Following the Call for Sites, the Council will set out the challenges which North Yorkshire faces and a range of solutions.  This is the Issues and Options stage of the plan making process and allows stakeholders to express a preference.  Once the Council has digested this data, it will issue a Preferred Options document setting out what it considers to be the most widely supported and appropriate solutions.  This consultation then results in a Submission Draft which the Council has to submit to a Planning Inspector to review.  They will comment on this version of the Local Plan and the Council should then be in a position to adopt its final version of the plan.  This will be in place for around 15 years, subject to interim reviews.

As this process unfolds, engaging with the local plan making process is paramount for landowners seeking to develop opportunities on their land in the future. The decisions made now will have far reaching implications for the value of land which is allocated and the region’s development trajectory.  The sooner landowners engage with the local plan, the greater their influence will be in shaping its landscape and livelihood for decades to come.

The Local Plan offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to North Yorkshire’s evolution. With extensive planning and development experience, we are already assisting landowners in navigating this process, identifying opportunities, and advising on the most suitable strategy for each client to have the best chance of achieving development on their land.

Calum Gillhespy -GSC Grays

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Calum Gillhespy

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