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Countryside Stewardship: 2015 Applications and Guidance

The Countryside Stewardship Manual for 2015 applications will be made available in pdf format on the GOV.UK website soon. It is currently only available in HTML format. Application forms should also be available by 1st July 2015 when the application window opens. The CAAV are working with DEFRA and Natural England on the Terms and Conditions, as well as land transfers and amendments to agreements.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our Rural Team below to talk through any queries you may have regarding Countryside Stewardship.

For further updates please keep an eye on our website or email to register to receive further updates via email.

[team-member name=”Lucinda Riddell”]

[team-member name=”Phil Scott-Priestley”]
[team-member name=”Will Parker”]

[team-member name=”John Wallis”]

[team-member name=”Alexander Morrison”]



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