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Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust – Supporting the environmental, social and economic well-being of the Yorkshire Dales

In 2016, the Forestry Commission published findings that showed the government’s pledge to provide 11 million trees between 2015 and 2020 seemed rather unrealistic.  However, organisation such as the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust are working hard to provide landowners and farmers with the support needed to plant more trees.

The Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) was set up as a charity in 1996.  Its main aim is to support the well-being of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.  When the YDMT first started out the main focus of the work was to conserve heritage features by providing funding and support for the following; tree planting, restoring of habitats, the rebuilding walls, village halls and historic buildings.

The YDMT has since expanded the work that it carries out to include social, economic and environmental aspects affecting the Yorkshire Dales. It works hard to support local businesses and sustainable development, promote education and provide life-changing countryside apprenticeships.

There are three main ways in which the YDMT works;

  1. Raises and distributes funds to projects.
  2. Manages and distributes grants on behalf of other organisations.
  3. Delivers projects directly.

YDMT Programmes

Work delivered directly by the YDMT is carried out through various programmes that it offers.  A good example of a successful programme is the Dales Woodland Restoration programme.  The YDMT has worked closely with Yorkshire Dales National Park, the Forestry Commission, Niddlerdale AONB, Yorwoods and Natural England to provide this programme is very well known for tree planting. The Dales Woodland Restoration programme works to restore native broadleaf woodlands throughout the Yorkshire Dales and Nidderdale.  The aim of this programme is to double the amount of broadleaf woodland in the Dales by 2020.  This will be done by creating new broadleaf and mixed plantations, ideally next to existing woodland.

1.2 million trees have been planted so far by the YDMT providing a restored habitat for hundreds of species, giving the public a space to enjoy them.

The programme offers substantial contributions to landowners with potential suitable planting sites, giving landowners who are interested in planting trees a sustainable option to progress.

YDMT Grants

Another way in which the YDMT delivers funding is via grant schemes of their own and on behalf of other organisations.

The YDMT is currently managing the following grant programmes;

  1. The Yorkshire Dales LEADER programme – supporting innovative rural partnership projects.
  2. Stories in Stone Heritage Grants for community-led heritage projects in the Inglebrorough area.
  3. Stories in Dry Stone Walling Grants for wall rebuilding in the Ingleborough area.
  4. Woodland Grants which provides funding for woodland creation.
  5. Youth Environmental Action Fund offering young people a chance to make a real difference to the environment in their local communities through their own projects.
  6. Roger Stott Community Grants which supports community initiatives that benefit local people in the Yorkshire Dales and nearby areas.

Should you wish to learn more about the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust or alternatively support the Trust then please visit the following address:

Alternatively, GSC Grays can provide professional advice on all grants and subsidies available to landowners and farmers.  Should you wish to discuss such options further, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sam Cole, Trainee Rural Surveyor, GSC Grays Colburn Office tel: 01748 897630

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