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Blyth Plant Could Create New Opportunities for Local Landowners

It has been a good week for Northumberland.  On Friday, £100m of public sector funding through the Automotive Transformation Fund was announced in support of the British Volt battery plant in Blyth.


Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme, Peter Rolton confirmed the commitment of British Volt to local employment.  This includes plans to open an academy to train potential employees.  To be located within a disused retail unit in Ashington, this will give the best chance of retaining the economic benefit with current residents of the area.

Alongside this, it was great to also see plans progressed by Blagdon Estates for a retail led development, securing the Coop as an anchor tenant .  The Links Road development is reported to create 100 construction jobs and 75 full time roles once the development is fully occupied.  It is excellent to see that investment is coming forward in the region at the differing levels needed to ensure a sustainable legacy.

Given the British Volt development and the opening of the Northumberland Line, rumours abound about a Local Plan review, once the emerging Local Plan is formally adopted by the Council.  There is a lot of merit in this, given the significant impacts which are already being felt and ensuring that the county is in the best position to benefit from an increase in economic activity.

As a company with a track record of successfully promoting land in Northumberland for development, we would welcome a Local Plan review to ensure that it is fit for purpose for the next 15 to 20 years and if you have land within the vicinity of British Volt or the Northumberland Line, then we would be delighted to hear from you.

Article by

Calum Gillhespy

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